
Below are descriptions of the core programs at Every Child Valued.  

After School Program
ECV offers an After School Program in partnership with the Lawrence Township Public Schools that provides tutoring, homework assistance, academic enrichment, character education and Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) activities to students in grades K-6 in Lawrence Township from Eggerts Crossing Village and throughout the community. It is administered out of two community centers, one in Eggerts Crossing Village. The teacher/student ratio is 1:5 and is staffed with certified teachers, mostly from Lawrence Township Public Schools, which provides a critical link between Every Child Valued families and the local school system.

Breakfast Program 
Our Breakfast Program launched in September 2018 as part of the All Kids Thrive Initiative through the Princeton Area Community Foundation in an effort to combat chronic absenteeism in the Mercer County region. The Breakfast Program provides free meals to 60 children residing in Eggerts Crossing Village each school day and a positive start to their morning.

Summer Enrichment Program
The Summer Enrichment Program takes place directly after the school year ends and is designed to maximize maximizes academic retention between grades, support working parents, and bolster critical thinking in our students. There are daily academic enrichment sessions with certified teachers that are both educational and fun. In the afternoon, arts and crafts, swimming, and other recreation is planned by ECV staff with scheduled field trips and onsite events on Fridays.

Tutoring and Mentoring Program
ECV offers a free Tutoring and Mentoring Program Tuesday and Thursday evenings targeting middle and high school students who have 'aged out' of the After School Program and/or youth from Eggerts Crossing Village.