About Every Child Valued
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About ECV

What We Do
  • Vision and Mission
  • Programs

  • Who's Involved
  • Board of Trustees
  • Advancement Committee
  • Educational Advisory Committee
  • Program Staff
  • Partnerships

  • Who We Serve
  • The Children of Eggerts Crossing Village
  • Other Lawrence Township Children

  • ECV History
  • 2020-2021 Academic Year Challenges and Solutions
  • A Brief History of ECV

  • A Brief History of ECV

    Every Child Valued (ECV) is a current manifestation of a progression of social justice work that began
    in the late 1960s when a group of community members including our Executive Director, Fred Vereen,
    Jr., persistently lobbied Lawrence Township to allow for the construction of its first low and moderate
    income housing development, Eggerts Crossing Village (EC Village). The 100-unit housing
    development, after its creation in 1974, has been overseen by Lawrence Non-Profit Housing, Inc.
    (LNPH), under which Mr. Vereen served as Manager of EC Village from 1974 to 2008. During the
    1980s and 90s, a number of residents expressed strong concerns because EC Village students were
    being singled out by the school district and placed in special education classrooms. At the same time,
    the school district activated around a related problem: internal data demonstrated that children from
    low-income families were more likely to fall behind in school and were less likely to have parental
    involvement in their education. In 1999, Mr. Vereen called a meeting of community stakeholders to
    address these issues and formulate solutions. Recognizing that reversing the achievement gap in
    public school classrooms would require a sustained and collaborative effort, LNPH, the school district,
    and a number of community partners created an After School Program in 2001. This program
    coalesced into Every Child Valued, which became a separate non-profit entity in 2009. Our mission is
    to motivate the young residents of Lawrence Township to reach their highest potential as educated
    and fulfilled adults, to strengthen families, and to combat racial, cultural, and socio-economic
    isolation, and to build a sense of community.

    Learn about the history and aims of Every Child valued
    in this short video (Flash, 4 minutes, 7 seconds)

    In 1999, LNPH launched a project called “Renewing Our Commitment to Community” to address the educational and social challenges facing EC Village families. The project's objectives were “to motivate the young residents of EC Village to reach their highest potential as educated, mature and fulfilled adults” and to involve their parents in their education.  A partnership between Lawrence Non-Profit Housing, EC Village and the Lawrence Township Public Schools was born, setting the Every Child Valued programs in motion.

    ECV Milestones

    • 2001-2002: ECV launches after-school programs designed to lessen the achievement and socialization gaps among minority students, including the Early Literacy Program, Walkabout in The Natural World, the After School Program, the Touchable Math Center and the Summer Enrichment Program.
    • 2003: Lawrence Neighborhood Service Center (LNSC) joins partnership with the expansion of the EC Village after-school and teen programs.
    • 2004: Partnership with LTPS expands at both sites, EC Village and LNSC.  This new model for community-based education with the local school district prompts presentations to be made at national education associations sharing new model.
    • 2005: The American Association of School Administrators recognizes Every Child Valued programs with the National Civic Star Award for successfully bringing the school system into closer contact with underserved families.
    • 2006: ECV program director leads for 2nd year; more positive effects on school grades and children’s progress in the classroom are hailed.
    • 2007: LTPS district implements its own in-school version of ECV’s after-school program model.
    • 2008: Founder, Fred Vereen, Jr, retires as manager of EC Village; a gala fundraiser is held and significant private funds are raised to support ECV programs.
    • 2009: The Character Education Partnership, a national organization, recognizes the partnership between ECV and Lawrenceville Elementary School with the Promising Practices Award for “Bridging the Achievement Gap…An After School Program That Really Works.”
    • 2009: Every Child Valued incorporates, formally establishing an independent nonprofit entity with its own board of trustees separate from the LNPH housing operations; ECV expands programming to provide after-school and other enrichment services to “at-risk” students in Grades 4-6 while continuing to serve pre-K thru 6 students, assuming responsibility for ASP services at EC Village and Lawrence Community Center. ECV begins its partnership with Lawrence Township Public Schools.
    • 2009-2010:  An ECV Destination Coach is awarded LTPS district “Teacher of the Year” as a result of her efforts both in school and after school.
    • 2009-10: Educational Testing Service becomes corporate sponsor and key ETS staff members join ECV Trustees, Educational Advisory Committee and Development Committee.
    • 2010: Former ECV volunteer & EC Village resident ‘gives back to her community’ by creating a scholarship to help a high school senior from EC Village attend college.
    • 2010: After School Program starts at full capacity, with 28 adults  attending Parent Orientation night—record attendance for this event.
    • 2010: Educational Testing Service, a key ECV sponsor and a Lawrence Township neighbor, begins a collaboration with ECV in order to try out evaluation tools to measure the effectiveness of ECV programs—a significant research project now in its early stage of development

    Every Child Valued
    175 Johnson Avenue     Lawrenceville, NJ 08648
    Phone: 609-883-0300     Fax: 609-883-0300